NM Mission of Mercy

License Requirements & Insurance

License Requirements and Insurance

All dental/medical professionals are required to carry their own liability coverage for this event. If you do not have liability insurance, please see information below for Public Health Dental Professionals.

Dentists, and Dental Hygienists from Outside New Mexico

Our NM Mission of Mercy event has received official sanctioning from the state licensing board. Dentists and dental hygienists, who have graduated from a school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, with a license in good standing from their respective state, will be granted a presumptive temporary license for the charity event. No application is needed, but verification of license in good standing will be completed by the NMDAF.

Please bring a copy of your diploma to the event. If you have any questions, please call Trish Rule at 505.298.7206 Ext 201.

If the dental school you graduated from is not a CODA accredited school, by New Mexico state law you are not eligible for a temporary license and you will not be able to treat patients. If you would like to help, but fall into this category, please volunteer in another area like Post Op.

Information for Public Health Professionals

Public health care professionals who are New Mexico residents can obtain liability coverage through the State Tort Claims Act for the NM MOM event by completing documentation online at www.nmmrcserves.org. This is the state registry for professionals who have volunteered to assist in state emergencies. Please be aware that you are signing up for a larger program and will receive information on other missions. You have no requirement to accept a mission and you can remove yourself from the registry after the NM MOM event.

There is an approval process so applications must be completed and submitted by March 15th, 2024.

To register for New Mexico Serves go to https://volunteer.nmmrcserves.org/. On the right side of the website welcome page, click “Register Now.” Completely fill out the information listed, create your log-in and accept the terms and conditions and continue to the next page. Follow the instructions on the website and submit for approval.

For additional information please contact:

Bobbie MacKenzie
State ESAR -VHP Coordinator
Bureau of Health Emergency Mgmt.
O) 505-476-8302

Public health care professionals who live outside the state of New Mexico cannot be covered by NM Serves. Colorado, Utah, and Arizona do not have tort coverage available for residents to serve outside their state unless there is a declared state of emergency. If you fit into this group, you will need to obtain your own private insurance or register to help in another nonclinical area.


New Mexico Foundation for Dental Health, Education & Research (dba. NM Dental Association Foundation)

PO Box 16854

Albuquerque, NM  87191

Office: (505) 298-7206

Fax: (505) 554-3836


All Content Copyright © 2021, New Mexico Foundation for Dental Health Research and Education, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.


All donations are tax-deductible.

EIN 74-3146433

The NMDAF is the charitable arm of the NMDA